Monday, April 25, 2011

Losing Team?

The image you see to the left is the end of a championship soccer match. The guy you see is one of the world's greatest players. If you follow soccer then you know him, but if you don't his name is Lionel Messi. He plays for Barcelona. They played Real Madrid. This just happened on April 20. The score was 1-0.

The look on his face is just devastating. I imagine this is the look that all of Jesus' followers had when they saw Him dying on the cross.

Can you imagine following someone or something for so long and then all of sudden they are gone?

All of Jesus' disciples disappeared when he was arrested. Even Peter fled and then followed Him from a distance, only to deny that he ever knew Jesus or even followed Him. Reminds me of bandwagon fans. They follow a team that is hot and upcoming only to flee when they are losing. This happens all the time in sports everywhere.

The disciples were pulled from their everyday jobs right on the spot. Jesus said, "Come follow me." Guess what, they did!! They joined the team. Jesus recruited to create a diverse team that would go out and preach the Gospel. Jesus was the ultimate coach. He gave strict instructions on how to execute the game plan (Read Matthew chapter 10; Mark 6:7-13; Luke 9:1-9). The best coaches don't waiver from their rules they set. This has made some coaches very successful. Take a look at John Wooden's coaching career. He had set rules the team followed. If they didn't they were not welcome there. He had a very successful coaching career.

It is a good thing God does not kick players off the team otherwise no one would make it to Heaven. He forgives our actions without explanation. We mess up and he says it is alright I forgive you. No questions asked. We don't have to run laps or do pushups. We just have to get back to His game plan and we will succeed in life.

If you notice within the picture above Messi is being consoled by a coach. I am sure this coach has been with the team for a while and knows Messi on a more personal level. The coach is the one that consoles you when you are down. He picks you up. He gives the pep talks. He gets you going when nothing else will. Before going into the playing field, the coach gives one last talk. Even during All-Star games the coach will still give pep talks to the players to get them ready. No one wants to lose, but it happens. It is a part of being human. You will lose more than you win. Winning is what keeps you going. Winning that one championship, that one case, that one is what keeps you coming back to do it again.

The disciples weren't on the losing team, even though in that 12th round they got the wind knocked out of them and they were stammering. But Jesus came back. In John 20:19-31, Jesus appears to the disciples after his death. This let them know they were on the winning team. They had a "losing" streak for a little bit, but now He is back. Jesus is alive!!

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