Wednesday, June 8, 2011

NBA Championship

The picture to the left is of Dirk Nowitzki. NBA Champion. NBA Playoff MVP. Two amazing accomplishments for anyone who plays basketball. The culmination of a season is bringing home the championship. There really isn't anymore that could be accomplished. Now onto the next season where there will be more headlines about how whoever vs. the Heat in the Finals.

This past season will be just a statistic in the near future as we start hearing about next season and read countless columns on when the Heat will win their multiple NBA titles. The Heat are young enough that we will get columns about this for probably the next 6-7 years with 4 years after that being about how their time is over. Can't wait...just kidding.

A lot of times when we become a Christian we feel that is our championship trophy. We did it, now onto the next phase of our life. We just let it set. We don't make the relationship with God more. For some reason we don't feel there is more to being a Christian. Is there more? I made the decision to follow Christ, so now what?!

Our reaction to accepting Christ is a lot like Dirk's reaction to winning the NBA Championship. We pump our fists in the air and even have the emotional break down that he did. We let our emotions spill out that we have been forgiven. That our sin does not rule our life anymore. The difference between winning the NBA championship and becoming a Christian is the game never stops once we switched teams from sinners to Christians. It really has just begun.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith," 2 Timothy 4:7.

When we have finished our lives here on earth this should be the verse that describes us. It isn't about just becoming a Christian, which is amazing, but it is about the journey we take. How has your journey been?

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