Wednesday, January 18, 2012

No Religious Borders

I had to do this, just because everyone else is. But I am going to take a different look at Tim Tebow. It is crazy how 1 year of doing the unthinkable has lifted Tim Tebow into stardom. Some people acted like this was his rookie season, it was his second season. He was put into the starting lineup, like all backups when the starter goes down, and he succeeded. The Broncos were 1-3 in the first 4 games. He starts the next 12 games and has a winning record of 7 wins and 5 losses. That is not bad for a backup, well third stringer. He came into the season as the third string quarterback based off of Preseason.

The reason for the phenomenon is he is being portrayed in every aspect of life, from SNL skits to politicians using him as reference. Has there been someone this significant in American's lives since Muhammad Ali? Ali held nothing back, he was who he was. Same thing with Tebow. He doesn't hold back what he believes in and isn't ashamed of who he is. It is all he knows. Now don't take this as a comparison between Ali and Tebow. It could be done, but I am not stepping that way. Just saying the way they are, people wish they could be.

Here is a quote from a column by Rick Reilly on ESPN:

 "I purposely didn't use the words "God," "Jesus" or "faith" in the column because I wanted people to see that this kid gives of himself tirelessly purely because he cares about others. Whenever you bring religion into it, some people immediately reject whatever comes next. Yes, most of the guests turn out to be Christian simply because a vast percentage of Tebow's most ardent fans are Christian and they write him. But from what I've seen, Tebow's generosity and selflessness to the sick and suffering have no religious borders."

I like Reilly's take. As a Christian isn't this how we should be? No religious borders. Christ had no religious borders. He talked to Jews, Gentiles, Samaritans, etc. Jesus accepted everyone, we should to. We should want to impact other's lives in a way that they say I want to be like that. What do I need to do to have that in my life?

Do you have religious borders you can't look past? I remember going into Mexico for a couple of mission trips. There is always a border patrol that searches your vehicle for anything to keep you out or to keep you in. I remember having to get out of our vehicles. This is how we view meeting people. We walk up to them and "check" them. Why? If we truly are Christ like then why not invest in that person in front of you.

I type this not for you, but for myself. So many people around, so little time. I don't have time to have a border up around me and only choose who I want to make an impact on. It should be everybody everywhere.

I will ask again: Do you have religious borders you won't cross, or won't let others cross?

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